Metanorma: Aequitate Verum

Metanorma ITU document attributes


Document attributes listed below are unique to the processing of ITU documents in Metanorma.

For common document attributes, see Document attributes reference in general Metanorma author’s documentation. That page describes attributes that apply to all Metanorma flavors, not just ITU.

For an introduction to Metanorma AsciiDoc document attributes and how Metanorma uses them, see the corresponding topic.

Document information


Document type. Choices below.


(default) This document is an ITU Recommendation.


This document is a Supplement of an ITU Recommendation.


This document is an Amendment of an ITU Recommendation.


This document is a Corrigendum of an ITU Recommendation.


This document is an Errata of an ITU Recommendation.


This document is an Annex of an ITU Recommendation.


This document is the output of a Focus Group.


This document is an ITU Implementers Guide.


This document is an ITU Technical Paper.


This document is an ITU Technical Report.


This document is a “Common Text” Recommendation between ITU and ISO/IEC JTC 1.


This document is an ITU Resolution.


This document is an ITU Service Publication (e.g. an Annex to the ITU Operational Bulletin).


Document status. Synonym: :docstage:. Choices below.


This document is In-force.


This document is In-force but the text is not final.


This document has been superseded.


This document has been withdrawn.

If the document is a draft, use the general :draft: document attribute instead of :status: to indicate so (see Document attributes reference).

In general, the document stages are:

  • Draft Recommendation (the text of the Recommendation is being developed and may be quite mature, but it has not yet been approved)

  • Once the text is mature, the SG may decide to “Consent it” (APP) or “Determine it” (TAP). The draft Recommendation is then in “Consented” (AAP) or “Determined” (TAP) state.

  • As soon as it has been approved, the Recommendation is no longer a draft Recommendation, but an in-force Recommendation.

  • TSB then prepublishes the Recommendation. Prepublished Recommendations are in-force texts that are not yet in their final form. Because they are not final, they are made available only to the Membership.

  • TSB copy-edits and publishes the Recommendation. This final in-force version is made available to all for free download.

  • If the Recommendation is revised, it will be superseded by the revision as soon as the revision is approved.

  • Recommendations are seldom withdrawn, but it may happen when the SG decides to do so.

Please refer to the Traditional Approval Process (TAP) (WTSA Resolution 1) and the Alternative Approval Process (AAP) (Recommendation A.8) for further details.


The identifier for the document, including the series, the document number, and any suffix, but excluding the bureau. For instance, H.781, G.108.2, G.709/Y.1331.


Temporary Document number for the document [added in]. Used for study group meetings.


Number of amendment, if this is an amendment [added in].


Title of amendment, if this is an amendment [added in].


Number of corrigendum, if this is a corrigendum [added in].


Title of corrigendum, if this is a corrigendum [added in].


For implementation guides, the recommendation that this document is an implementation guide for [added in].

If this is a guide for multiple recommendations, they are slash-delimited. If this is a guide for a subseries of recommendations, the recommendations as specified as .*, e.g. H.350.*.


Series that the Recommendation belongs to. Use full title, for example: “H: Audiovisual and Multimedia Systems”


First level subseries, for example: “IPTV multimedia services and applications for IPTV” (= “H.700—​H.789”)


Second level subseries, for example: “Digital Signage” (= “H.780—​H.789”)


Intended type for this document (for technical reports) (R, C, TD) [added in]


The language of the document (only en for now; will eventually support ar, zh, en, fr, ru, es) (default: en)


A provisional identifier allocated to the document if the proper document identifier (:docnumber:) is not yet known.


ITU has received a notice of intellectual property, protected by patents, which may be required to implement this Recommendation. (default: false)

:title-{en, fr, es, ar, ru, zh}:

The title to use, in each of the official languages of the ITU.


The ID to use for the annex, if this document is an annex.

:annex-title-{en, fr, es, ar, ru, zh}:

The title to use for the annex, if this document is an annex, in each of the official languages of the ITU.

:subtitle-{en, fr, es, ar, ru, zh}:

The subtitle to use, in each of the official languages of the ITU; appears only at the start of the document body, not in the front cover [added in].


The collection of documents that this document appears in [added in]; Appears on the top left of the cover page for some collections.

"Recommendations", "Articles", "Final Acts".

The slogan that this document is branded with, in connection with an event [added in].


Switch between old and new PDF formats [added in]. Legal values: legacy and current (default).

Author Information

ITU documents are produced by editorial groups within a Bureau/Sector (BDT: ITU-D, RRB: ITU-R, TSB: ITU-T).

ITU groups are hierarchically arranged, and represented in Metanorma through a three-level encoding also used elsewhere in Metanorma: group, subgroup and workgroup below the Bureau/Sector level.

Groups have types (e.g. tsag, study-group, working-party, focus-group), and the same type of group can attach to different super-groups.

Example 1. Example of ITU group hierarchy

Both TSAG and Study Groups can have Focus Groups.

An ITU project group is specified using a 4 level encoding:

  • bureau (or sector)

  • group

  • subgroup

  • workgroup

There may be multiple project groups associated with a document. Each group after the first is indicated by a trailing number, e.g. bureau_2, group_2.

On top of this structure, documents can respond to Questions, which are allocated to Study Groups, and then worked on by Working Parties. Questions are represented separately, outside the group hierarchical structure.


Mandatory. Bureau that the document belongs to. Choices are listed below.


Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB), ITU-T. (default)


Radiocommunication Bureau (RRB), ITU-R.


Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT), ITU-D.


The standardization sector for the document, if one of the defined bureaus does not apply [added in].


Mandatory. Top-level group that the document belongs to.


Type of top-level group that the document belongs to. Permitted values listed below.


Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG)


Study Group (SG)


Focus Group (FG)


Ad-hoc Group


Correspondence Group


Joint Coordination Activity (JCA)


Working Party (WP)


Working Group (WG)


Rapporteur Group (RG)


Intersector Rapporteur Group (IRG)


Regional Group. ITU-T Study Groups can have Regional Groups.


Acronym of top-level editorial group that the document belongs to.


Year that the editorial group study period started.


Year that Project group study period ended.


Editorial subgroup that the document belongs to.


Type of editorial subgroup that the document belongs to. Permitted values are as for group-type.

Example 2. Example of a group with a subgroup

The "TSAG Rapporteur Group" is to be encoded as :group-type: tsag and :subgroup-type: rapporteur-group.


Acronym of editorial subgroup that the document belongs to.


Project workgroup (third-level editorial group) that the document belongs to.


Type of Project workgroup that the document belongs to. Permitted values are as for group-type.


Acronym of Project workgroup that the document belongs to.


The Questions that the document addresses [added in]. A document can address multiple questions. This attribute is formatted as a comma-delimited list of questions, each optionally prefixed by an identifier and colon.

Example 3. Example of a document that answers to two questions
:question: Q10/17: Identity management and telebiometrics architecture and mechanisms, "Q11/17: Generic technologies (such as Directory, PKI, formal languages, object identifiers) to support secure applications"

Name of meeting that generated this document (for resolutions, technical reports, technical papers, implementers guides) [added in]


Date of meeting that generated this document (for resolutions, technical reports, technical papers, implementers guides) [added in]. If the date is a range, it is given slash-delimited.

Example 4. Example of a meeting data range

Place of meeting that generated this document (for resolutions) [added in].


Acronym of meeting that generated this document (for resolutions) [added in].


Source for this document (for technical reports, technical papers, implementers guides) [added in]


Name of contact for this document (for technical reports, technical papers, implementers guides) [added in]


Name of organization or company for contact for this document (for technical reports, technical papers, implementers guides) [added in]


Country for this document (for technical reports, technical papers, implementers guides) [added in]


Phone number of contact for this document (for technical reports, technical papers, implementers guides) [added in]


Fax number of contact for this document (for technical reports, technical papers, implementers guides) [added in]


Email of contact for this document (for technical reports, technical papers, implementers guides) [added in]


Role of contact for this document (for implementers guides): may be either editor (default) or `rapporteur`6[added in]

Document Status


Date from which Recommendation status applies


Date to which Recommendation status applies


Approval Process for Recommendation status. Legal values are listed below.


Traditional Approval Process (TAP), as described in WTSA Resolution 1, Section 9.


Alternative Approval Process (AAP), as described in Recommendation A.8.


Approval status code for Recommendation status. Legal values are listed below.

When :approval-process: is tap

(refer to WTSA Resolution 1, Figure 9.1 “Approval of new and revised Recommendations using TAP — Sequence of events”)





When :approval-process: is aap

(refer to Recommendation A.8, Figure 1 “Sequence of Events”)




Approved with Substantial Changes


Additional Review Judgement


Additional Review


Approved with Typographical Corrections


Last Call




Last Call Judgment (includes Last Call Comment resolution)


Not Approved


Re-Initiate Last Call


Referred to Study Group Approval


Moved to TAP (ITU-T A.8 / §5.2)


In the case of Resolutions, this attribute is used to indicate whether the current document is a revision of an earlier document; if it is, it should have a value other than "1". (Resolutions are identified through place and year, regardless of whether they constitute revisions or not.)


Identifier of document that this is a complement or supplement of; used in particular for recommendation supplements, to nominate the document or documents that this is a supplement of [added in]. Semicolon-delimited.

Visual appearance


In ITU, quotes and apostrophes default to straight. When this attribute is set, Metanorma will convert quotes and apostrophes to smart quotes and smart apostrophes. In the rest of Metanorma, if this attribute is not supplied, quotes and apostrophes default to “smart”.


Used to specify the document scheme that this document aligns to [added in]. If the value legacy is provided, the resulting behaviour is as with the document attribute :legacy-do-not-insert-missing-sections:.


If set, do not insert the sections “Scope”, “References”, “Definitions”, “Abbreviations and acronyms”, “Conventions” if missing [added in].

Use this if you have a legacy Recommendation document with clauses with names preceding this requirement (e.g. “Prerequisites”, “Process”, “General”), and you do not want the compulsory new sections to be added in at the start of the document.


If set, do not number objects (tables, figures etc.) consecutively throughout the body of the document, but restart numbering with each clause (hierarchically) [added in].

Use in complex documents, with multiple tables or figures, that need to be tracked against clauses for ease of lookup (so Figure 6-3, 6-4, instead of Figure 21, 22.) Note that equations in ITU are always numbered hierarchically.


Comma-delimited list of image locations, for images to be included on the PDF cover page of ITU "Service Publications" (and title page for logos). All image locations are relative to the source document. [added in].