Metanorma: Aequitate Verum


A block image is displayed as a discrete element, i.e., on its own line, in a document. A block image is designated by image macro name and followed by two colons (image::PATH[]). It’s preceded by a blank line, entered on a line by itself, and then followed by a blank line.

In standard documents images are informative and you might want to reference an image in the text. As with all references, you need to define an anchor. You can also explain a graphic by adding a key. The entries of the key follow the syntax of a definition list (key::Explanation).

[[figureC-1]] (1)
.Typical gelatinization curve (2)
image::images/input_output_diagram.png[UML diagram of inputs and outputs] (3)

[%key] (4)
input:: What goes into a process (5)
Output:: Result of the inpput's transformation
  1. Anchor for references

  2. Image title

  3. Image macro image::path/file.jpg[alt text]. If you don’t want to include alt text, you still need to append empty square brackets at the end of the macro.

  4. [%key] indicates that the image has a key.

  5. Key entries

Practice time

The code for this exercise is available on GitHub.

The corresponding file is named exercise-2-3-4.adoc

Insert a diagram of of a rice plant in line 17 by following the steps below:

  • Add an image macro.

  • Populate the image:: macro with this link:
  • Add a picture title: Relationship between clients/servers and OGC protocols

  • Create a key with three entries

GeoNetwork:: Catalog application to manage spatially referenced resources
GeoServer:: Open-source server for sharing geospatial data
Data stores:: Contain databases and shape files.

The syntax for images is: image::URL[].

Make sure to include the square brackets after the link.

Let’s look at admonitions next.